Today our morning started out with Trey and his notorious playlist of random, songs that are already annoying and will be even more annoying by the end of the trip, songs for us to wake up to every morning, around 6am. Followed by wake up call was our morning exercises (special thanks to Emily, who kept messing up during the jumping jacks, making us have to do more jumping jacks and push-ups), then devotional. Breakfast served, then Saul talked a bit of his testimony of the beginning of his childhood up to his teenage years, and why he felt he was called to minister to the poor. We learned that our Christian responsibilities were to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel to others. And that doesn’t mean just talking about it to others, but to show others by living that our in your own life.
After our bible study it was back to working on the chicken coop, with others cutting wood for the chicken coop and for making more bunk beds. And there were also others making more concrete for the fencing around the property.

Making fence posts for around the property…

Chicken coop…

Hanging our during lunch time…

Tyler playing “Sally, Sally, Sally”…

And playing soccer with the AIMS students…

All of these projects continued throughout the day. Later in the evening, a couple of mission group kids saw kids playing outside on both sides of the property, and wanted to meet them and play them, and also give them bracelets, which they just loved. Our students enjoyed talking with the neighbors and getting to know them, as well as playing with the children.
Neighbors in front of our house…

She gave us some pomegranate that she had growing on a tree.

Giving bracelets…

The neighboring behind us…

Some goodbye thing Daniel and one of the girls were doing…

After dinner we had our worship time, and had a special treat. Sergio, for those who don’t know, was given a clarinet from a couple from Christ Community, and was accepted to the International School of Music at the University of Mexico. He had his clarinet ready for us to listen to him play.

Though he was fantastic back two years ago before he started his studies at the university, he was even more amazing tonight. After hearing him play, some of the Armonia students shared how they arrived at Armonia, and how Armonia has affected their lives, which was powerful to listen to.

Then Saul gave news that we would go to see the pyramids tomorrow morning, and said that he was invited to speak at church on Sunday on the other side of Oaxaca, and that we would probably stay there to watch the World Cup with them. Then on Monday he said we will travel to visit a town that a couple of the AIMS students are from, and actually stay the night with a student’s family.
Oh, and check out the beetles here in Mexico!!

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