Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pastor's Prayer Retreat

I was very fortunate to be able to attend a pastor's prayer retreat with 22 other
pastors in town, who decided that it would be worthwhile to take 2 days together to pray for an extended time together. We meet every wednesday morning at Crosswalk to pray for an hour, but this allowed us a much longer time to be together. I can't express how excited I am to see these local pastors care for one another, how committed they are to the expansion of God's kingdom work in Titusville, as well as how committed they are to working together to meet these goals.

They realize that God's kingdom work is bigger than their individual churches and that we need to help one another. One of the things that came out of our prayer time is the visual of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall and as each church in town has it's section of the wall, but when the trumpet sounds and we have a brother in need that we would go to help them.

For me personally, I was encouraged as the pastors prayed over Hope for North Brevard and the startup of our ministry, as well as feeling God's confirmation that I was where he wanted me to be, which gives me great peace and assurance as we step out in faith. In all of this, it leads me to worship, for God is the faithful one and he has been constantly reminding me of that. I encourage you all to pray with us as the pastors try and discern what God would have us to do corporately to build up the body of Christ. My prayer is that HNB would be a part of that, if God's see fit to use us in that way.

The pastors have started the "Joseph fund", which is a fund that a lot of local churches are participating in to help set aside monies for families that have been affected by job loss and they are working with North Brevard Charities to help distribute the funds. If you would like more information about the Joseph Fund, come and see me.

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