Early this morning about half the group went hiking early this morning to a nearby mountain, while the other half of the group stayed back to do some more work.

Today was just another continuation of making fence posts and working on the chicken coop.

Again some of the neighborhood children came over for us to play with them.

Later tonight we went out to eat at a restaurant in downtown Oaxaca.

After dinner we took a walk around downtown looking at all the sites to see.

(yes… that is two clowns, and Ed joined in the circle.)

Check out the downtown square...

When we got back our group had a team meeting, for there was a tension building between different groups in the group, and between people as well. Thankfully all was worked out.
After our meeting a couple of the students had a bond fire going, and we were just all singing songs together and having a great time, and we prepare for our last day tomorrow.