This past tuesday, the City of Titusville asked us to come to the City Council meeting for they wanted to recognize our work on Mr. Roleoff Shank's house which was a joint venture between the city and several local churches. To my surprise we ended up receiving six plaques on behalf of all the churches involved. we had no idea that the city was going to make such a big deal about it, but they were excited for it was a breakthrough for them as well. They were celebrating for it seems that the code enforcement arm of the city, asked "neighborhood services" to explore what was going on with this code violation house (Mr. Shank's). Neighborhood Services found Mr. Shank unable to take care of his home and then went on to find some grant monies to assist with his roof damage. It was neighborhood services and Ms. Juanita Spells-Houston that contacted us to assist with the project.
I thanked the city for the plaques and told them that we were committed to serving our community. I also told them that we didn't invite all the students that served at this project for we believe we are called to serve and we really don't want individual recognition for something that God has called us to do. My prayer is that the city would never be able to afford all the plaques they would have to hand out for our service to our community. We know our Father is pleased by us living like him and that is thanks enough.
On a side note, i laughed out loud after the council meeting, for a reporter from Florida Today had called me right before the council meeting and she wanted to talk about the Thrift Store and HNB. As i am driving to the council meeting i listen to her phone message and she mentions that she will be at the council meeting taking notes for the paper. She didn't know i was scheduled to be recognized that night, so when i showed up to the meeting- i sat next to a young woman that looked like a reporter (notepad in hand). and so i asked her,"are you Amanda from the Florida Today?" she said yes. I introduced myself and told her that i just got her message. she asked me, why i was there? I said, "just wait and see". Then the mayor hands me six plaques. It definitely added to our credibility and I laugh at God's timing.
walking with God is quite fun and always full of surprises.