This key doesn't look like much, but it is a great blessing and it comes with a story. This past summer we were looking for a location to start "Hope Counseling Center" for we wanted to get that going. We knew that we wouldn't have much time to pursue finding a place for we were focused on summer camps, but we thought we would check around. We were hoping to be able to borrow someone's office or share space with someone in town, so we could begin to see counseling clients. We also knew that we couldn't really afford much of anything, for we didn't really have any start-up capital.
After a couple visits to some other locations, I decided to go see pastor, John Wright at Crosswalk Community Church. John had been very encouraging in the past as well as very open to others using his resources, and I had seen his downtown office. I really didn't think he had any extra space, but I thought it was worth asking. The exciting part of this story is that God had beat me there, for a couple days before i met with John, Dr. Akers (the owner of John's office building) had just offered John and Crosswalk an additional downtown suite at no additional costs. So when i came knocking on John's door, John felt that God had given him this extra space for a purpose, and Hope for North Brevard & the Counseling Center was part of it. So that day he handed the key shown and I was blown away. I walked out of his office, in shock and once again surprised at God's goodness.
I will say that the longer I have continued to step out in faith on this journey the more aware I am of God's presence and provision for this ministry. In the OT, when the Israelites were about to try to take over the promised land, God told Joshua that He would cross over ahead of them, and that is still true today and for that I am very grateful.